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Tanzania, Africa, Photography Tour


  April: This photography tour is not currently in the schedule, but can be added by request

  10 nights/11 inclusive days  |  Maximum of 10 participants, and a minimum of 6 participants

  $6,150 USD per person  |  Single Supplement: 14% of the base cost of the trip

  The deposit for this photography tour is $500. Make a deposit, or pay your tour balance here

  Explore our discounts for client loyalty, early enrollment, 2 trips in 12 months, referrals and more

  Do you have a question? Ask us via email: Click here
  Arrival and departure airport: Kilimanjaro, Tanzania [JRO]
  Arrival window: For a variety of travel related reasons, arriving one day early is recommended
  Search fares at Kayak, Skyscanner, Orbitz, Google Flights or your favorite airline
Client responses to our photo tours
  For the single supplement, cancellation policy and enrollment guidance see below

This photo tour will run with one or more participants. Please note that our group limit is not a requirement!  10 places are available at this time
  Updated: Friday the 26th of July, 2024

This photo tour has sufficient enrollments, and is a 'go'. However, do please consult with us prior to arranging your travel for the trip!  Indicates that we have sufficient enrollments and the trip is a 'go'
This photo tour will run with one or more participants. Please note that our group limit is not a requirement!  Indicates that this trip requires the minimum number of participants as indicated on line two above


Tanzania, Africa, Photo Tours


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Photography Tour Overview:
  Photograph the Great Wildebeest Migration, plus Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Ngorongoro Crater, Olduvai Gorge, the Serengeti and more. During the months of December through March, the 'million animal ungulate' [Wildebeest migration] makes its way through northern Tanzania. Game drives, walks, and the world's greatest wildlife spectacle . . . there is no better way to enjoy an African safari. To add to the photography experience we shall use vehicles equipped with roof hatches for photography; a 4 x 4 vehicle in Ngorongoro Crater; plus professionally guided game viewing. As with all of our photography tours, early and late shooting is scheduled for each day.


Our itinerary . . .
But first things first! We suggest that you set your camera's clock to the local time, as your images will then synchronize with the times in our included photo tour field notes.


Day 1  |  Arusha
On arrival at Kilimanjaro Airport late in the evening you will be met and transferred to our overnight hotel.
Arusha, 1 night


Day 2  |  Tarangire National Park
After breakfast we will depart by road for the Tarangire National Park arriving at our lodge in time for lunch. The Lodge is situated deep within the park, and following a siesta we'll head out on a drive to photograph wildlife.
Tarangire, 2 nights


Day 3  |  Tarangire National Park
Tarangire is Tanzania's third largest National Park and a sanctuary for an unusually large animal population. The area supports a great diversity of wildlife including lion, leopard, cheetah and up to six thousand elephants. Today you will enjoy morning and afternoon wildlife viewing activities.


Day 4  |  Lake Manyara National Park
After breakfast we will head to Lake Manyara National Park stopping at the village of Mto wa Mbu on the way. Small shops and vendors sell everything from local wares to a colorful rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Lunch at our lodge with its breath taking views. After a rest and afternoon tea we'll again head out in the late light for game photography.
Lake Manyara, 1 night


Day 5  |  Ngorongoro Crater
After breakfast you will ascend the Rift Valley Escarpment driving to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the world famous Ngorongoro Crater. The crater is one of the most impressive wildlife areas in Africa and has been designated a World Heritage site. After lunch at the Ngorongoro Serena Lodge you will drive down inside the 100-square-mile crater to view wildlife on the vast grasslands of the crater floor. Throughout the year a spectacular parade of animal life may be found within the crater. You are very likely to see black maned lion, the highly endangered black rhino, wildebeest, zebra, elephant, hippo, jackal, and hyena. The birdlife is prolific with flocks of flamingoes on the soda lake as well as other species of water and plains birds. We may see Masai herdsmen grazing their cattle around the crater rim. You will be accommodated at the Ngorongoro Serena Lodge which is built into the crater rim. In the late evening dinner will be enjoyed at the lodge.
Ngorongoro Crater, 2 nights


Day 6  |  Ngorongoro Crater
After an early breakfast you will descend into the crater for a full day crater tour with picnic lunch. In the late evening you will return to Ngorongoro for the late light and dinner.


Day 7  |  The Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area
After breakfast you will descend from the Ngorongoro highlands and on to the Serengeti plains. A stop at the Olduvai Gorge, the famous archeological site where the Leakey's discovered remains of Australopithecus Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus, will be included. We will arrive at the Ndutu Safari Lodge in time for lunch. The afternoon will be spent enjoying the incredible wildlife spectacle of Tanzania's premier wildlife reserve.
Lake Ndutu, 4 nights

Days 8, 9 + 10  |  The Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area
Days 8 and 9 will be spent enjoying the incredible wildlife spectacle of northern Tanzania. The Serengeti National Park / Ngorongoro Conservation Area is arguably the most impressive wildlife sanctuary in the world. During the months December though March these vast, seemingly unending plains, are inhabited by enormous herds of wildebeest and zebra. In the calving season (February-March) the herds concentrate at the Ndutu and Salei plains attracting the attention of predators like lion, cheetah and hyena. Another interesting feature of the Serengeti are the massive granite kopjes, islands of rock standing in a sea of grass. From the elusive leopard to the tiny dik dik the kopjes provide shelter to a great variety of plants and animals. Day 10 will be spent viewing wildlife in the Serengeti. The included dinner on the last night of our photography tour will feature an 'It's You!' presentation of clients in action on this tour by John.


Day 11  |  Serengeti, Arusha and departure flights
After breakfast you will enjoy a final game viewing drive across the Serengeti plains as you are driven back to Arusha arriving in time for lunch. Later in the day you will be transferred to the airport to catch your flight home.


Photo Tour Photographer/Leader: John Baker, Travel Images Photography Tours and local guides
The preceding itinerary is a copyrighted work by John Baker Photographer LLC, and Travel Images Photography Tours


Enhancing Your Photography Skills

Describing the assistance you'll receive on one of our photography tours takes more than a few words, so for greater detail please go here.


Do you need a Visa for travel to Tanzania?
Travelers from all countries can do a quick check of visa requirements here or here
Our international clients may need to contact the embassy of their intended destination in their own country for a visa. Go here or here


Photography Tour Cost, Deposit, Cancellation Policy and Enrollment Guidance

Trip Cost: $6,150 USD per person not including airfare. A 5% discount is applied to all double occupancies. A single room supplement is required for single occupancy

Single Supplement: 14% of the base cost of the trip


The deposit for this photography tour is $500. Make a deposit, or pay your tour balance here


Cancellation policy: Go here

Enrollment guidance: Go here


Included in the Trip Cost: The following items are included in the trip cost . . .

  • Photography instruction throughout the trip by John

  • All accommodations with private facilities [en-suite]

  • All breakfasts

  • Lunch on day one of the trip

  • Dinner on the last night of the trip

  • On-vehicle snacks and bottled water

  • All ground transportation

  • Airport pick-up on day 1, and drop-off on departure day. Arrival prior to day 1 is not included

  • Entrance fees for sites and activities listed below under ‘Admissions Included’

  • Following the trip you'll receive detailed field notes describing the time, place and subject of each photo stop, plus image uploads to a private web page of clients 'in action' on the trip

Not Included in the Trip Cost: The costs for these items are the responsibility of each participant . . .

  • Airfare

  • Travel costs between your home and the gateway airport and return

  • Any transportation or travel costs incurred prior to or after the tour’s inclusive dates

  • Pre-tour and/or post-tour accommodation

  • Lunches and dinners except for lunch on day one of the trip, and dinner on the last night of the trip

  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Entrance fees or costs related to optional sites or activities not included in the itinerary

  • Baggage fees

  • Medical expenses

  • Personal items such as the hotel mini-bar, laundry et cetera

  • Incidental charges incurred at our accommodations such as movie rentals, internet and phone

  • Travel insurance

  • Passport or visa expenses

  • Airport departure taxes, if applicable


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Travel Images Photography Tours: Guided Landscape, Natural History, Macro and Wildlife Photography Tours
Email  |  Phone: [+1] 208-559-8248 | Postal: Travel Images, P.O. Box 939, Middleton, Idaho 83644-0939